It's no surprise that people dislike it when things break. Random hiccups and sudden white screens are the worst. This started happening with my private server, which hosts this website and several personal projects and other websites.
7 months 4 weeks ago
Not long ago, I wrote an article about Many quirks of JavaScript, highlighting some of the language's peculiarities. Today, I've decided to delve into Python.
8 months ago
Have you ever seen those movies where a figure cloaked in a black hoodie and sunglasses, surrounded by a six-monitor array casually utters, "I'm in"? Well, that scenario didn't precisely unfold, but something even more embarrassing took place. We were hacked by a group of high schoolers this week.
9 months ago
Občas se mi stane, že mi během konverzace vypadne nějaké to slůvko v češtině a já pak použiji anglickou alternativu. Některé patvary bijí do očí, ale to si určitě v minulosti říkali lidé i při pohledu na slova a fráze, které dnes používáme běžně. Jak to s těmi přejímkami vlastně je?
9 months ago
If you've ever developed anything using pure JavaScript, you probably know the language has a few quirks. Most of the "gotcha" things people come up with are made to look weird, but some of the results you get from specific expressions are borderline insane.
9 months 3 weeks ago
This week I had to deal with a curious situation in our main CMS for kiosk administration. Something was wrong with our embeded file explorer. Did double-clicking break because of wrong DPI and user avatars?
9 months 3 weeks ago
Dear world. I've decided to create a website and start blogging. Rejoice and celebrate! Now I plan to spew out some nonsence here once in a while and pretend like I'm important enough for other people to care. That's usually how it goes with these sorts of things, right?