Hello world! I've decided to create a blog

Available translations:

Guy with lightsaber waving

Dear world. I've decided to create a website and start blogging. Rejoice and celebrate!

You don't know who I am? Fair. I'm Lukas (Lukáš in Czech) and I work as a software developer for a small company that's dedicated to touch technologies. I somehow managed to finish my master's degree in software engineering (focused on databases) in 2018 and since then I just wonder the world of IT, pretending to know where I'm headed.

More info about me is in the About Me section so I won't be getting into too much detail. Instead I'm going to write down some information about this website itself.

It's powered by Drupal (version 10), a CMS I have some really good experience with.

It runs on my own virtual server with Debian on which I have some personal projects and experiments. It wasn't ment to be a webserver but one day I just spontaneously bought a domain name, installed Apache, set up NS records and here we are.

Now I plan to spew out some nonsence here once in a while and pretend like I'm important enough for other people to care. That's usually how it goes with these sorts of things, right?

Anyway, the header images for my articles are usually going to be generated by AI, namely Fooocus, which is a fork of Stable Diffusion. I mainly use the default juggernautXL model with "Adorable 3D Character" and "Fortnite" styles.

The content itself isn't going to be made by AI though, I swear! It would be of much higher quality if it was though :-)


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